Sorry, We Are Not In Right Now


Thanks for checking out our blog, we really appreciate it.

However, our blog has moved to

Sorry that you have to visit another site to find us, but it is worth it...we have all of our 'classic' posts and comments on the new blog, plus a ton of new thoughts and ideas.

Why are we moving? Basically, Blogger failed us and never responded to our emails and requests. A clear example of poor customer service...too bad, we liked Blogger.

Come over and see us on the new blog.

Troy and Mo

Thursday, March 20, 2008

One Night Only!

Warning, shameless plug.

A few weeks ago, Mo was good enough to invite me to participate on a panel about web analytics at the upcoming Oregon Governor's Conference on Tourism. And I was more than happy to accept. Those folks in Oregon need to listen to me more.

So, if you are going to be in the Portland area April 6-8, stop by and say hello. Or, even better, sign up and attend the Oregon Governor's Conference on Tourism. Mo and I are speaking on the 7th, with the always charming Paul Wille from opus:creative.


Palace Hotel Ballroom, I mean, Red Lion Hotel on the River

Sunday, April 6 to Tuesday, April 8


Analyze this…Analyze That! A Conversation on the Maddening Science of Online Analytics

See you in Portland.


Anonymous said...

I will see you both there, although I am not sure that I signed up for this session.

Rhiannon West
Online Marketing Manager
Washington County Visitors Assn.

Mo said...

Nice pic. Am I on the left or the right?

Troy said...

I think you are much more of an Elwood.