Sorry, We Are Not In Right Now


Thanks for checking out our blog, we really appreciate it.

However, our blog has moved to

Sorry that you have to visit another site to find us, but it is worth it...we have all of our 'classic' posts and comments on the new blog, plus a ton of new thoughts and ideas.

Why are we moving? Basically, Blogger failed us and never responded to our emails and requests. A clear example of poor customer service...too bad, we liked Blogger.

Come over and see us on the new blog.

Troy and Mo

Monday, June 4, 2007

Facebook Polls Launches: Marketing Research Paradise

Facebook has created an easy way for it's users to get quick answers to questions through it's new polling feature. Facebook Polls allows you to ask detailed questions, target them to specific user segments and receive real-time responses. Facebook users can be targeted based on gender, age, school, location, or profile keyword. >>Full Story

Thoughts// Facebook has been steadily gaining popularity and a more refined user-base over the past 12 months, both of which lend themselves to a more reliable cross-section of members. The new polls feature (learn more here) could prove to be an intriguing look at market research with this group of early adopters.

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