Sorry, We Are Not In Right Now


Thanks for checking out our blog, we really appreciate it.

However, our blog has moved to

Sorry that you have to visit another site to find us, but it is worth it...we have all of our 'classic' posts and comments on the new blog, plus a ton of new thoughts and ideas.

Why are we moving? Basically, Blogger failed us and never responded to our emails and requests. A clear example of poor customer service...too bad, we liked Blogger.

Come over and see us on the new blog.

Troy and Mo

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Word of the Week - Widgets

A widget is a term that can be used to describe two different applications: a web widget and a widget engine.

A web widget is a portable chunk of code that can be installed and executed within any separate HTML-based web page. Popular examples of this type of widget are promotional movie photo galleries that could be incorporated into your MySpace page or blog.

For example, here is the NBA Finals scoreboard widget, taken from the NBA site and updated daily from the NBA:

In computer software, a widget engine is host software system for physically inspired applets on the desktop (also known as desktop widgets). Two commonly referred-to types of widgets are the Yahoo! Widgets and the Dashboard widgets of Apple Macintosh computer users. Widgets, in this case, are downloadable interactive virtual tools that provide services such as showing the user the latest news, the current weather, a dictionary, a map program, sticky notes, or even a language translator, among other things.

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